How we celebrated the international children's day
International children's day is one of the most important celebrations for children so we never underestimate it. In Benjamin we...

Benjamin students performing at Den Detí event in Pezinok
This past Saturday was dedicated to our Benjamin students, who performed on a big stage in Pezinok’s Zamosky park. They performed at the...

Dobrá Škola conference
On Friday, May 26th, a few members of our Benjamin Staff attended a conference called Dobrá Škola, which takes place annually in...

Nadácia Volkswagen Slovakia for Škôlka Benjamín
Thanks to the Nadácia Volkswagen Slovakia and Škôlka Benjamín our Benjamin children now have new facilities for learning and supporting...

Music class with a professional musician
Yesterday we got a chance to have a special music class with a real musician, talented Mr. Daniel Kuciak. He came to sing a couple of...

Easter Egg Hunt 2017
Happy Easter Holidays from Benjamin! It's Holidays time and we hope you are having a great time. Take a look at how children were...

New Playground for children at Trnavska!
Hooray! Look at our new playground at Trnavska! We are very excited to show you how the playground has been successfully transformed. It...

Benjamin Name Day Celebration!
Our Benjamin was celebrating his Name Day today so we all had a great time! Look at all those beautiful postcards and posters what...

Montessori Math Seminar
In Benjamin we are all about education. While we are providing the best education to our students, we think it's equally important to...

Benjamin Ski Course at Zochova Chata
Benjamin kids from Myslenicka spent perfect four days skiing with International sports club. The first day was not lucky as it rained and...