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November 2022 in Benjamin Preschool


In November we participated at a practical seminar for professional development of teachers in the field of Multicultural education in a playful way in the preschool. We tried playful activities that lead children to learn something about other cultures - for example, we pretended to be strangers on the city square and we greeted each other firstly in a non-verbal way - by sight. Then we added a smile. Next was greeting each other in various cultural ways - Greek people tap their backs, Eskimos rub their noses, Japanese bow, German say Guten tag, and so on. We enriched ourselves with ideas, how to introduce children through games and practical activities about diversity, various cultures, habits and traditions.


Owl Class

Learning about shapes: During November we learned about basic shapes- circle, triangle, rectangle and square. Through different activities we are aware of shapes in our everyday life. Because many

things we see and use each day contain basic shapes. We made shape sandwiches and then

tasted them. Children liked this activity a lot because they could use more senses, not only

our sight, but also smell, touch and taste. And our sandwiches were delicious!

Disney Magic Class

Celebrating fall and giving thanks during the holiday season. This thanksgiving season inspired us with all kinds of design features all they way from fall leaves, browns, reds and an orange 3-column layouts to leaf images. Collecting leaves was fun. Thanksgiving is a celebration of sharing and abundance. Its good to develop a tradition of sharing with those who have less and to involve children in contributing to a food shelter or other charities. This can help children to be thankful for what they have and learn the importance of helping others.

Kindergarten Class

We spent the month of November talking and learning about different cultures, the similarities and differences we share with people stemming from other countries and continents. With the generous contribution of parents who prepared country presentations for the children, we compared celebrations, festivals and clothing, from around the world.

Talking openly and positively about differences can help children better understand themselves and those around them. Embracing diversity and inclusion empowers them to engage their world with curiosity, confidence and kindness. Additionally, it helps children to learn to empathize with people who are different from them. Diversity in and out of the classroom will continue to grow, so it’s essential that we prepare students to adapt to an evolving world, and embrace those different from themselves.


Ms. Jojka's Class

This beautiful month of November was dedicated to the topic of multicultural education. We talked about our planet and the continents, and that's why one of our activities was making our planet in a non-traditional way using a paper plate, paints and a bag. Since we celebrated thanksgiving this month, there were a couple of activities for the children with this theme. One of them was the training of fine motor skills through the use of feathers. Of course, there was also the creative production of turkeys - symbols for Thanksgiving day.

Ms. Dani's Class

The month of November was filled with excitement as we learned new songs, talked about things for which we are thankful, and made Thanksgiving crafts. We had many discussions about how important it is to say thank you and we thought about the special things in our life that we are thankful for. We had lots of fun playing with pumpkins. We noticed differences in color, shape, feel and weight. We cut a pumpkin open to see what was inside. SEEDS!! We also had a Thanksgiving feast in our Preschool!

Ms. Suzy's Kindergarten Class

Pablo Picasso is a well-known artist all over the world. His art is colorful, different, abstract…easily impresses the sight. Therefore we choose him to introduce children to “big art”. We talked about where he comes from, why was his art different from the others, how his works caused sensation in the visual arts…We observed some of his masterpieces, we compared what we see in the picture (it was interesting to see what children perceive) and then children turned to Picasso artists and made their very own picture in his way.



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