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“Our Linda chose Benjamin all by her self. In July 2009 we signed her up for one week of summer school at Benjamin. After one week she said: "This is my new English preschool and it is where I want to go everyday :) ”

Linda's Mother

Benjamin Pezinok


“I would like to say and send you big THANK YOU after our first month in Benjamin. It was one of our best decisions in last couple of months, if not years.:-) We can see the progress every day, they are learning lot of things. But not only that, I can see the happiness in their eyes. When we are leaving from Benjamin and passing the building with the car, Matko is yelling: "Mojaaaa skolkaaaa":-) And Saska started to prepare her own presents for her teachers. She said: "I love them, I want to give them something." Our mornings and preparation to the preschool is very smooth and without any problems. It is really about perfect people in Bejamin and their approach. You are doing great job and I can imagine that it is not always easy. Simply, we are happy parents with happy kids in Benjamin. Once more, thanks a lot to all people in Trnavska and Myslenicka.”

Matko & Saska's Parents

Benjamin Pezinok


“Every morning I get the question: "Mom, is there preschool today?" - "Yes" (a wave of joy) - "Will we have show-and-tell?" - When I answer "Yes" Lenka becomes so happy she screams out loud: "YAAAAAY"

Lenka's Mother

Benjamin Pezinok



“Above all I am happy to hear that Hejneho method found its way to Benjamin. I was already "high" when I heard about Montessori math principles in our Kindergarten. But Hejneho method is a dream to come true. I plan to teach my kids myself by the H-mat principles when they are a bit older - and you were faster than me .o).

I am really happy that Math is taking a big part of kids days in preschool.

Thank you for everything :o) ”

Barborka's Mother

Benjamin Senec


“We would like to give you our sincere thank you and recommendation to confirm how great of an experience, joy, and care our Son Stanko has received from the Benjamin Tnravska Team.  Especially we would like to recognize the work of his teacher Ms Danka Schnirtczova. She has a love filled, patient, and educational approach to our son as well as to her other students. It is reassuring to know that our most loved son is taken care of so well during the whool week. Great work Danka!! Another big thank you goes out to Mrs. Drahuška!

Thank you.“

Stanko's parents

Benjamin Pezinok


“Thank you very much NOT ONLY for the whole preschool Senec facility, its educational system, quality, environment BUT ALSO for having Dianka and Andrejka! Our daughter Eliska really favors them and keeps mentioning them when at home, alongside with her favorite doll Cookim : ) THANK YOU again for everything you do and we are really happy we “found” you! :)”

Eliška's Mother

Benjamin Senec


“Thank you so much for your great commitment to the kids, special thanks for our little Simonka, one has to be proud parent reading the report like the one you had sent for our little one. Even though, we can see, it's not just about a paper-report, but she really loves English and we DO see her constant improvement without any doubt of this investment into our child. 

Moreover, her progress is not only in English, but also socially, mentally and emotionally, thanks to you Adka and Dianka.”


Simonka's Father

Benjamin Senec


“Ďakujeme za milé koncoročné hodnotenie:) Pokrok, ktorý urobila Barborka za rok, čo je u Vás, vnímame aj my. Je to v prvom rade Vašou dôkladnou prácou a starostlivosťou, za čo sme Vám nesmierne vďační. Sme presvedčení, že sme pre ňu vybrali tú najlepšiu školku, napokon, hovorí to každému aj ona sama. Nielenže sa u Vás veľa naučila a v mnohých veciach aj "dospela", ale je u Vás šťastná, a tak robí štastnými aj nás. Veľká vďaka za Vašu precíznu prácu, vážime si, s akým nasadením sa o naše deti staráte.”

Barborka's Mother

Benjamin Senec

“Our family has been very fortunate to be part of Benjamin for the last five years. When we got here so many years ago, we would never have realized how connected we would be to such a warm community of people.

And now, it is time to say good bye……. :(

Five years is a long period of time, but it seems to have come to an end too quickly.

We believe the biggest compliment a teacher can get is when a child goes home and says: ‘Mom, Dad, I had a great day at school’. Our children did that every day returning home from Benjamin.

Today, we would like to say 1000 times thank you for those amazing 5 years.

Thank you for every day’s smiling and offering a hug when our kids walked in the door.

Thank you for creating an safe environment full of love for learning, appreciation for growing, and room for making mistakes along the way.

Thank you for making a great difference. Because you care so much about our children, you have directed them to trust themselves in all that they do and to become all that they dream of, if they work hard and play fair.

Thank you for teaching them what is the value of real friendship.

Thank you for all you passion, care, but most of all, for your love!

Our children have been blessed by being part of Benjamin. It has given them not only education but also values which shall remain with them all their life.

As the years fly by, many things will change… but one thing will remain constant and it is the value of a great teacher. Thank you for being one.”

Maximko's parents

Benjamin Senec



“Chcem poďakovať za čas, ktorý ste mi venovali na rodičku. Mrzí ma, že už nezvýšil čas povedať Vám ako skvele robíte svoju prácu, tak aspoň takto :-) Najlepším dôkazom je, že Šimík sa do škôlky a na Vás vždy veľmi teší a máte zásluhu na jeho pokrokoch.  Pôsobíte veľmi systematicky a pedantne a vidno, že práca Vás baví.. Máte pekný prístup k detičkám, vždy ste usmiata a ochotná zodpovedať akúkoľvek otázku. Keď prídeme do škôlky, je tam vďaka Vám, Mary a pani Drahuške taká pohoda, že s manželom sme skonštatovali, že kľudne by sme sa tam zostali hrať :-) 

Ešte raz ďakujeme. ”

Šimonko's Mother

Benjamin Pezinok


“Včerajšie rodičko bolo krásne aj podnetné. Mala som možnosť mať rozhovory, ktoré by sa inak asi ani nemohli stať. Ďakujem, že ste to spolu s kolegyňami usporiadali. S Deniskou sme dohodli, že mi pomôže zorientovať sa v základných školách, pre mňa pomoc na nezaplatenie. Veľmi si vážim, že tu ste aj pre nás rodičov, ďakujem, že ste.”


Barborka's Mother

Benjamin Senec



“Ešte raz by som takto Vám chcela poďakovať za krásny program na graduation, príhovor Aďky, básničky aj pesničky. Bolo to veľmi milé a dojímavé. A taktiež veľké ĎAKUJEM za všetko čo robíte, Ms. Deniska a celý kolektív. Karolko za pár mesiacov je zmenený, k lepšiemu aj vďaka Vám.”


Karolko’s mother

Benjamin Pezinok


“Ďakujeme za milé slová aj za Šimiho hodnotenie :) Dnes sa nám veru odchádzalo zo škôlky ťažko, po štyroch rokoch, to je už akoby sme sa každý deň stretávali s rodinou. Ešte raz Vám za všetko úprimne ďakujeme, nielen za vedomosti, ktoré Šimi získal, ale aj za to, že chodil do škôlky s úsmevom, s radosťou a že mu ostanú krásne zážitky a spomienky :) Dnes si Šimi dovliekol do postele všetky Year books a museli sme si pozerať fotky :) Počas roka ste s deťmi urobili kopu práce a záverečná graduation bola TOP!”


Šimonko’s mother

Benjamin Pezinok

“Amazing preschool! Helped me learn english and a lot of other things, gave me many great and fun memories and I’m still in touch with a lot of people in the preschool. I am very grateful that I went to Benjamin preschool and 100% recommend it.”

Adrian - former Benjamin student

Benjamin Pezinok

“Glad that I could be one of the children, who grew up in a preschool like this. I am glad that I could meet with all the people in there and learn all the things I would have never known. Thank you, and I definitely recommend this preschool to anyone.”

Martin - former Benjamin student

Benjamin Pezinok

“Zapísať našu dcéru do školky Benjamin bolo to najlepšie rozhodnutie v našom živote.”

Sara's parents

Benjamin Pezinok

“Dear lovely Benjamin team, 

The day we have to say good bye is getting closer and our hearts are bleeding. 

From all our family members I want to say how much we appreciated our Hugo could attend Benjamin kindergarten. You are the best kindergarten so far. I am so happy Hugo could know how education, learning, accepting, tolerance, teacher approach, fun and friendship can look like.

I would love to say on behalf of my husband too we loved your care, we loved how you made kindergarten life time for our Hugo awesome and he will (we neither) never forget that. You are not just a kindergarten, you gave our son second home and became for us as a family. Thank you for your love, patience and your sense of education.”

Hugo's parents

Benjamin Senec

I appreciate the effort you and your team have put into creating such a wonderful experience for the children. Your dedication to their education and development is truly commendable.
Once again, thank you for your hard work and dedication to the children. Veronika has learned so much under your guidance, and we are grateful for everything you have done for her.

Veronika's parents

Benjamin Senec

Chceli sme vám ale aj ostatným pani učiteľkám, pani riaditeľke veľmi pekne poďakovať za krásne vystúpenie, námahu a úsilie ktoré ste vložili do vystúpenia. Bolo vidieť vaše odhodlanie a tiež aj trpezlivosť ktorá je pri takýchto aktivitách a celkovo práci s deťmi nevyhnutná. Ďakujeme za zážitok, bolo to celé krásne premyslené :-) Naomi mala radosť, že sa na tom mohla podieľať a doma sme si stále pozerali videá :) 

Ešte raz ďakujeme! 

Naomi's parents

Benjamin Senec

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Contact Us

© Copyright 2024 by Benjamin Preschool. 


Tel: +421 903 26 36 16


Interested in working at Benjamin?


Our Benjamin preschool locations:

Trnavská 4, 902 01 Pezinok

Senec Tulipánová 7, 903 01 Senec

Slovak Republic

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